There are a variety of standard barbell bars for you to analyze their correct usage

[Summary]Barbells are common fitness equipment in gymnasiums and are essential when watching a boxing match. Barbells can not only be used for competitions, but also exercise the strength and muscles of the arms, but everyone can find that barbells can be lifted not only by men, but also by women.

There are a variety of standard barbell bars for you to analyze their correct usage

[Summary]Barbells are common fitness equipment in gymnasiums and are essential when watching a boxing match. Barbells can not only be used for competitions, but also exercise the strength and muscles of the arms, but everyone can find that barbells can be lifted not only by men, but also by women.


Barbells are common fitness equipment in gymnasiums and are essential when watching a boxing match. Barbells can not only be used for competitions, but also exercise the strength and muscles of the arms, but everyone can find that barbells can be lifted not only by men, but also by women. Therefore, everyone has doubts about the weight of the barbell and its standard weight. How much does it cost? In fact, barbells are distinguished by weight. First, the weight of the big barbell is 20, 15, 10, and 5 kg, while the weight of the small barbell is 2, 1.5, 1 and 0.5 kg. Barbell is a very good fitness equipment, its weight is not constant. But it will vary according to the specific needs of the individual. For example, if a person has more strength, he can choose a heavier barbell for training. But for those beginners, since they have never touched a barbell, and their strength is not very large, they can choose a lighter barbell for practice. Gradually gain weight in the later stages. Only in this way can we choose the right weight scientifically and reasonably and have a good training effect.

1. Barbell curl

Target muscle group: biceps

There are two types of barbell bars, straight bars and curved bars. The difference between the two is that when holding the rod, the angle of the bent rod and the joint is more consistent, and the force on the forearm is smaller, so it is more comfortable to exercise.

Exercise essentials: Exercise should be slow and controlled, squeeze the biceps at the peak of exercise. The rhythm should be fast and slow. In order to avoid exerting force to stimulate the biceps, you can put your back on the wall and perform a barbell curl. Tip: When holding the barbell bar, do not use excessive force, otherwise if you don’t fatigue your biceps first, your forearms will be sore.

2. Barbell bench press

Target muscle groups: pectoralis major, deltoid, triceps

Action essentials: Keep the head, back, buttocks and feet in contact with the supporting surface with a five-point support. Hold the barbell with both hands (the thumb and the other four fingers are opposite to the barbell). Don't leave it empty. The grip is greater than the width of the shoulders. Hold the chest and retract the chin, retract the shoulder blades, lower the barbell to the chest position, pause for a while, and then push up. Lift the barbell to exhale, then lower the barbell to inhale.

Movement changes: narrow-grip barbell bench press. More emphasis is placed on stimulating the triceps and deltoids.

3. Squat behind your neck with a barbell

Target muscle groups: quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks

Action essentials: Stand with a foot equal to or slightly larger than the width of your shoulder, raise your chest and look forward. Keep your back straight, don't bend over, and tighten your abdomen. When you squat down until your thighs are parallel or slightly below the ground, stand up forcefully.

Movement changes: wide standing barbell squat. More stimulation to the inner thighs. Squat down and breathe in, get up and breathe out.

We must be fully prepared before exercise, otherwise it is easy to injure ourselves in the process, and then spread our feet, spread the barbell with our fingers, pay attention to the two feet should be the same shoulders open, then slowly squat, repeat the exercise for five minutes, Then find a wide place to lie down, then slowly push the barbell to the lower position, repeat the same exercise for five minutes, and then stand up, straighten your legs, and separate your shoulders. At this time, you should take care to keep the whole process on the same plane.

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